The Ministries of
First Methodist Church
FMC Quanah is an outreach of the Global Methodist Church. Like the gospel of Christ, FMC Quanah's ministries are open to all members of the community regardless of race, economic status, membership affiliation, orientation, or any other factor. Here at FMC Quanah we would like to invite you to take part in what John Wesley called the "priesthood of all believers."
For information on becoming a member of the FMC Quanah and/or volunteering in its ministries please click on the link below:
By His Spirit may we be one with Christ, one with each other,
and one in ministry to all the world, until Christ comes in final victory.
~from the "Service of Word and Table" communion service
10:00 - 10:50AM
Our small groups, including Sunday School, meet Sunday morning at 10AM. We currently offer a Sunday school class for adult women, one for adult men, and a class for elementary age children. Check back with us soon as we launch more small groups including a young adults class and a single adults class.
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Our current Sunday worship is a traditional Methodist style worship service. A typical worship service will include a greeting, singing of songs, a time of prayer and reflection, a sermon, and the taking of an offering. We usually conclude with more songs and a blessing.
Holy communion is usually offered the first Sunday of each month. Reflecting that it is the Lord's table, the communion table is open to everyone. Membership in any Methodist church is not required to take part in any worship services, including communion.
Our doors and our worship are open to everyone, and we invite you to come as you are.
Choir, Wednesdays
5:00 - 6:00 PM
Methodists have a long history of making beautiful music that dates back to even before one of our forefathers, Charles Wesley, wrote many of the hymns found in today's hymnal.
FMC Quanah offers music ministry through our choir, which meets at 5PM on Wednesdays (as available) and is open to anyone that desires to make a joyful noise. We also offer music ministry through our children's program that meets on Sunday morning at 10:00 AM.
10:00 - 10:50 AM
We love children here at FMC Quanah, and we invite you to bring your children with you to worship and other activities. Childcare for early elementary age children will be provided as available by trained, certified, and vetted staff.
We also offer a nursery for children up to 4 years old. Be sure to stop by our nursery if you need an extra diaper or something else. We're glad to have you and your child as our guests and encourage parents to remain in service with your children.